Forloop for Data Scientists.

Forloop’s self-learning system helps Data Scientists decrease time spent on data preparation by almost 40%.
A basic workflow in the Forloop Platform.
Used by top brands
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Gather more data from external sources in minutes.

Use our web scraper to extract data from any website in a quick and easy way. You can also access pre-made integrations with maps, weather, foot traffic data, or other 3rd party sources.
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Create pipeline blocks with custom python code.

Use Forloop's custom blocks in order to place there your python scripts with AI models, functions for data cleaning and preparation.

Get automatic suggestions on data cleaning.

Use our augmented intelligence that automatically build a pipeline which clean and prepare your data for further use. You can easily ...then share or integrate results in the form of API or by using our connectors.
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Schedule triggers to get continuous update of new data.

Create a scheduler that will trigger the pipeline every time new data appear on the website, or will be changed. You also don’t have to worry about duplicates or updates.

They already trusted us.

See why others love Forloop.
CEO, Co-Founder @ Investown
I love this platform because of the flexibility and speed it gave to our team. It allowed us to connect various real estate websites with our system and automate routine processes. A true gamechanger!
Marcin Dyszyńsk, CTO & Sharespace
CTO, Co-Founder @ Sharespace
It's been crucial for us to find a tool that would value ease-of-use with high privacy standards. Forloop did that job perfectly! We are really impressed and wait for more features!
Professor in AI Engineering @ Chalmers
Most organizations I've worked with only use their internal data. But 99.99% of all relevant data is outside of the companies. This is an enormous opportunity that I am glad these two talented and passionate founders are capitalizing on.
VP of Data @ Beat
Data is changing business models, and without good data, there is no competitive advantage. Forloop is promising to give this opportunity to more players, without the luxury of a huge budget.
Global GTM Manager @ Saxo Bank
I'm really impressed with Forloop's solution. It is super powerful and really helpful for growth hacking and data delivery. UX definitely needs to be better, but I know that they are working on it!
RPA Developer @ Shipvio
It’s too good to be true that Forloop is able to do a lot of data science work for a small subscription fee. You can just open the browser, download data, and perform automatic data cleaning. It's a great solution for us!
CTO, Co-Founder @ AiCare
We cut 45% of the time needed to deploy our AI model to production. With Forloop we're able to continuously clean and transform our data much faster.
CEO, Founder @ Syndicai
We've been able to build data pipelines for our client's AI models 5x faster than using traditional approaches. UI needs a lot of improvement but it works!

Pump your AI model with external data.