No-code Pipeline Builder

It enables you to design and build prototypes and shift smoothly to production-grade processes possible to orchestrate in the cloud environment of your preference.
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From zero to working pipelines in minutes.

Forloop gives you a no-code way of building pipelines. Just upload ready-made pipelines or build your own one in order to get super short time-to-value with your data.
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Easily manage & version all pipelines.

Forloop allows you to easily maintain the whole pipeline. Every pipeline is both no-code and also written in python so that you can save, share and version using git.
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Quickly change from no-code to code.

With Forloop you can smoothly transition between code (flexibility) and no-code (speed) in order to get all the best from the both worlds.
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Write your own scripts and use as part of the pipeline.

With Forloop you can write your own python scripts and use them as part of the pipeline (e.g. AI models, data preparation functions).
def classification_model(input_data):
    data = read_data(input_data)
    classes = run_classifer(data)
    return: classes
"Without Forloop and the valuable data that we get, I’ve hard time imagining how we would have entered the markets that we did, how fast we did so, and how much money we saved."
Marcin Dyszyński
CTO, Co-founder

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is the Forloop Platform?
Forloop is an easy-to-use data preparation and pipeline management AI tool for fast-growing data teams. It enables the creation of pipelines from various data sources such as data warehouses, storage, and drives. The no-code environment allows data scientists to work independently from DevOps teams.
Is my data safe with that tool?
Data privacy is our highest priority. We are fully compliant with GDPR and don't have access to any of your inserted datasets. We don't sell, and will never sell, any data about you or your usage of our platform. We only use limited metadata to improve our services, mainly our recommendation engine. Thus, your data is safe within our platform. If you have any questions, we are happy to answer.
Who is this tool for?
Forloop is for data scientists who are not comfortable with infrastructure setup and configuration. The tool allows you to connect various data sources and build pipelines without extensive code writing. We primarily target our value proposition at fast-growing AI startups and companies with ML-powered products.
How can I start using Forloop?
The easiest way to start building pipelines is to try out our latest cloud version by signing up. However, we highly recommend checking our Getting Started guide to learn the basic functionalities of the tool. Of course, we're happy to chat about your use case - just schedule a call.
What can I do with your platform?
Forloop allows you to build data pipelines for AI models. Connect any data source (data warehouse, data storage, drive) and create a pipeline using drag & drop canvas. In addition, you can also create workflows that web scrape data from websites and other sources like public API's (e.g. weather data).

External data at your service

Empowering your data teams with continuous data from any source. Try out the app, or schedule a call to learn more about opportunities.
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